December 9, 2020
Elevator and Escalator Use Guidance during COVID-19 Pandemic
Elevators are small, enclosed spaces with poor ventilation where people tend to crowd together. Likewise, escalators tend to lead to crowding. Such conditions risk spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID-19, even if people spend relatively short periods of time on elevators and escalators. Therefore, the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) has collaborated with the Elevator Safety Board of the Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing to provide this guidance on the use of elevators and escalators.
Face coverings/masks must be used in elevators in accordance with the state Face Coverings Directive. Post signs reminding users of the requirement to wear a face covering. Ask elevator occupants to avoid speaking, when possible.
Encourage occupants to take stairs when possible, especially when elevator lobbies are crowded or when only going a few flights. Place signs at the elevator entryway indicating the location of the stairwell so that the occupants who choose to take the stairs know where the closest stairwell access is.
Where feasible, designate certain stairwells or sides of stairwells as “up” and “down” to better promote social distancing.
Use floor markings in elevator lobbies and near the entrance to escalators to reinforce social distancing. Place decals inside the elevator to identify where passengers should stand, if needed.
Use stanchions (for lobbies only; not inside elevators) or other ways to mark pathways to help people travel in one direction and stay 6 feet apart.
Limit the number of people in an elevator to only that number that can safely maintain physical distancing. Leave at least 2 steps empty between passengers on escalators to maintain physical distancing. Post signs that clearly communicate this inside or close to the elevator or escalator to encourage compliance.
Post signs reminding occupants to minimize touching surfaces. They should use an object (such as a pen cap) or their knuckle to push elevator buttons.
Encourage elevator and escalator passengers to wash their hands and avoid touching their face after holding on to handrails or touching buttons.
Consider adding supplemental air ventilation or local air treatment devices in frequently used elevator cars.
Little Rock REALTORS® Association will follow the lead of the National Association of Realtors and halt all staff and leadership travel; we have also issued a halt on use to the Association building, all meetings and all events we have planned through May 30.
LRRA staff will be in the office for the time being to help you. We have been advised against allowing anyone in the office, so the doors will remain locked and we will be able to work with you by phone and email. Thank you for your understanding. We want our people to be safe and secure. Please take caution everyone.
LRRA office number - 501-225-1987
Jada- Jada
-Libby Sheard
At such a trying time, we at LRRA are making every effort to keep our members active and up to date. Here is a step by step guide created just for you. We want you to know that your membership is both important and appreciated. Our operations are still up and running to assist you while the office is physically closed.
New Member
1. Visit
2. Toggle over Membership tab
3. Select Join us
4. Select new member form, print or change to PDF
5. Fill out form, email to OR drop off in mail slot at office
6. March membership is $710 even; on April 1 membership prorates to $610.
You can locate the due schedule on this tab as well to see all future joining prices. Just select "dues".
Transfer/Office Change Member:
1. Visit
2. Scroll down to quick links located in the center of the site page OR scroll down to the bottom of site and locate forms link under SERVICES. You will be able to select your specific form here.
3. Fill out form, email to OR drop off in mail slot at office.
Transfer office fees are $35; Board transfer fees are Admin + local dues (the fee may differ if you are secondary or out of state.) Please confirm your amount due before dropping off to office.
Payment is accepted as CASH, CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER ONLY.
Please note that SUPRA/MLS and Form Simplicity are not accessed through LRRA. You will need to contact CARMLS and ARA for this. See numbers below:
CARMLS: 501-224-3339
ARA: 501-225-2020
Why is NAR issuing this guidance?
In response to the growing concerns about COVID-19, commonly referred to as coronavirus, NAR is providing this guidance to help REALTOR® associations respond to the coronavirus's impact on the real estate industry. As of March 16, 2020, the United States government has banned all travel from Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland into the United States for a period of thirty (30) days. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued Level 3 Travel Warnings for China, Iran and South Korea, and a Level 2 Travel Health Notice all other global travel. The situation is rapidly evolving. Be sure to refer to the CDC's website for up-to-date information about travel warnings(link is external), as well as information about the coronavirus' current impact in the United States(link is external). Daily updates about the coronavirus are also available from the World Health Organization(link is external).
What is Coronavirus?
COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that has infected more than 142,000 individuals in 134 countries, causing the World Health Organization (WHO) to classify this outbreak as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Anyone experiencing emergency signs such as difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or bluish lips or face should immediately seek medical attention.
What is the risk of exposure to coronavirus?
Older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person and the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The CDC urges citizens to monitor your health and practice social distancing. Social distancing means staying out of crowded places, avoiding group gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet) from others when possible. Visit the CDC's website(link is external) for latest updates.
What preventative measures may be taken to reduce the risk of contracting and spreading coronavirus?
The CDC urges individuals to take these measures to protect themselves and others:
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren't available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Practice social distancing by staying out of crowded places, avoiding group gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet) from others when possible.
Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
Stay home if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or any other cold or flu-like symptom.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
Additionally, to help prevent the continued spread of coronavirus, on March 15, 2020, the CDC recommended that for the next 8 weeks, all in-person events consisting of 50 or more people, such as conferences and assemblies, be cancelled, postponed or modified to virtual events(link is external). Avoiding large in-person gatherings of this sort is another effective measure that will reduce your risk of contracting or spreading coronavirus.
What unique issues does coronavirus present to the real estate industry?
When an infectious disease, such as coronavirus, is associated with a specific population or nationality, fear and anxiety may lead to social stigma and potential discrimination. REALTORS® must be mindful of their obligations under the Fair Housing Act, and be sure not to discriminate against any particular segment of the population. While the coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan, China, that does not provide a basis for treating Chinese persons or persons of Asian descent differently.
May I ask clients or others I interact with in my real estate business if they have traveled recently, or have any signs of respiratory illness?
Yes, you may ask clients or others about their recent travel, particularly to areas identified as having an increased risk of coronavirus. To avoid potential fair housing issues, be sure to ask all clients the same screening questions based on current, factual information from public health authorities.
I typically drive my clients to showings. May I refuse to drive potential clients to see homes?
Yes. However, be sure that any change to your business practices is applied equally to all clients. You may refuse to drive clients who show signs of illness or reveal recent travel to areas of increased risk of coronavirus, or you may instead decide to stop driving clients in your car altogether, and simply arrange to meet clients at a property. If you do continue to drive clients in your car, it is a good idea to frequently clean and disinfect surfaces like door handles and seat belt latches, and to ask clients to use hand sanitizer when getting in and out of the car.
Should I still conduct open houses on my listed properties?
Speak openly and honestly with your seller about the pros and cons of holding an open house. Assess the risk based on your specific location, and direct your clients to local and state health authorities for specific information about the severity of the risk in your area. You could also propose alternative marketing opportunities for your seller's consideration, such as video tours and other methods to virtually tour a property. If you do hold an open house, consider requiring all visitors to disinfect their hands upon entering the home, limiting the amount of people in the home and providing alcohol-based hand sanitizers at the entryway, as well as soap and disposable towels in bathrooms. If you decide to do any cleaning at your client's home, be sure to check with your client in advance about any products you plan to use. After the open house, recommend that your client clean and disinfect their home, especially commonly touched areas like doorknobs and faucet handles.
What precautions should brokers consider taking in their offices?
Brokers should use their best judgment when formulating a plan. In addition to performing regular environmental cleaning with special attention paid to frequently touched surfaces, brokers should implement a mandatory "stay-home" policy for any staff member or agent exhibiting any sign of illness. Brokers may want to consider imposing a mandatory or maximum flexibility remote work policy for employees and instructing agents to stay out of the office. In addition, in the wake of the CDC’s recent guidance recommending that in-person events consisting of 50 or more people be cancelled or postponed, brokers should take measures to hold virtual meetings when possible, and potentially postpone or cancel in-person meetings or events to take to limit close contact between individuals.
Be sure to monitor updates from the CDC, as well as your state and local health authorities for additional information and guidance on holding meetings or events. For travel considerations, review NAR's "Coronavirus: A Guide for REALTOR® Associations".
Finally, do not panic, stay informed, and use your best judgment. The situation is rapidly changing, so focus on putting policies and procedures in place to keep your employees and agents informed, safe, and to avoid business disruption in the event the situation worsens. The CDC's Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers(link is external) is a helpful resource.
This guidance was originally published on March 4, 2020, and is being updated regularly. The date this information was most recently updated is at the top of this page.
Coronavirus Emergency Legislation-What REALTORS need to know
Congress is speeding toward passage of emergency corona virus legislation. The bill passed by a wide margin early Saturday in the House and is headed to the Senate next week, where it is expected to pass easily. You can find a summary prepared by NAR staff here.
Last week, NAR's advocacy team urged Congressional leaders to include support for self-employed professionals and other small business owners in this bill. We are pleased robust measures targeting these groups were included.
We expect few if any changes to the bill in the Senate, so here is where the measure stands now:
Family Medical Leave Expansion…
Allows up to 12 weeks of certain virus-related family medical leave through the end of 2020
Covers employees at businesses with between 50-500 employees
Provides a refundable tax credit for eligible self-employed individuals equal to their qualified family leave equivalent
Provides employers with a refundable tax credit equal to certain family leave wages paid to employees
Paid Sick Leave Expansion…
Allows two weeks of certain virus-related paid sick leave through the end of 2020.
Covers employees at businesses with fewer than 500 employees
Provides a refundable tax credit for eligible self-employed individuals equal to their qualified sick leave equivalent
Provides employers with a refundable tax credit equal to certain paid sick leave wages paid to employees
Medicare, Medicaid, Health Insurance and Unemployment Changes…
Requires insurers, Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal health programs to fully cover testing and related services for COVID-19, without cost-sharing
Increases funding to Medicaid to help cover uninsured populations
Provides additional funds for certain programs aiding elderly Americans
Increases funding for emergency transfers to state unemployment programs and increased flexibility for states to modify unemployment policies based on effects of COVID-19, such as waived work search requirements
About the Tax Credits
Refundable tax credits are considered especially generous since any amount above taxes due is paid in the form of a refund. The payroll tax credit provided to employers will provide cash to them relatively quickly as it is creditable against their portion of an employee's Social Security tax liability, which is generally due monthly or semi-weekly. And since most self-employed persons are required to pay quarterly estimated tax payments, they will not have to wait until the end of the tax year to see the cash.
A Final Note
Many of the tax credits and benefits mentioned above have limits and/or qualifications, so we encourage you to explore NAR's comprehensive briefing document for more details.
This bill mainly addresses employment issues--NAR's advocacy team expects legislation targeting the overall economy to come later.
Small business owners and the self-employed are crucial to the growth and stability of the national economy and also face disproportionate burdens if they are forced to shut down, temporarily lose employees, or see their customer base drop.
They deserve equal access to emergency funding and programs, and we will continue to engage with Congress as this public health emergency unfolds.